An airplane passenger who got into an accident in Thailand committed suicide during a flight from Egypt committed suicide while returning home from Egypt to Samara by plane. Telegram-channel Shot reported this on Tuesday, November 23. toilet. The flight attendants noticed him missing after about 15 minutes and tried to open the door to the restroom, but the latch was blocked. Then the passengers helped the flight attendants to remove the door from its hinges.
Three tourists, who turned out to be doctors, tried to provide the man with first aid, but they could not save him. The aircraft landed at the nearest airport in Cairo.
“I was slightly out of my mind”
Later, fellow travelers who were in the airliner with the Russian said that during the flight he behaved strangely and talked to himself. In addition, relatives added that he did start to experience mental problems after he had an accident in Thailand. The source of “” also confirmed that after the accident, the man “was slightly out of his mind.” .
S7 confirmed suicide
A representative of S7 Airlines confirmed reports of the suicide of a Russian on flight S7 6619. “Having found an unconscious passenger with signs of suicide, the crew reported the situation to the aircraft commander,” S7 said and added, that the pilot then made the decision to make an emergency landing at the nearest airport. At the moment, investigators are finding out the details of the incident.
The body was delivered to Russia
After an emergency landing in Cairo, doctors tried to save the passenger, but he died. Egyptian policemen refused to leave the body in the country's capital. He was loaded into the luggage compartment of the same plane and taken to Russia. In Samara, the plane landed at 06:09 local time, five hours later than planned.