106-year-old video game lover reveals the secret of longevity

106-year-old long-liver cited faith and complete rejection of alcohol as the reason for longevity

106-year-old US resident celebrated another birthday and revealed a secret their longevity. This is reported by Woodburn Independent.

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Lucille Chapelle of Woodburn, Oregon met the landmark date at Cascade Park retirement home village on Thursday, November 18th. Despite her considerable age, the woman is in good shape and is a passionate lover of video games. She regularly plays bowling and memory games on the Wii console, competing with other guests and employees of Cascade Park.

The reasons for her longevity Chapelle named complete rejection of bad habits, faith and good genes. “I never smoked or drank alcohol and went to church regularly. True, I was lucky with my family. My grandparents and parents have lived for over 90 years, ”said the long-liver.

The pensioner spent most of her life in Woodburn. Here she worked for 50 years in the election commission and for 60 years served as an organist in the church.

In addition, the woman has always led an active lifestyle. She taught piano and organ lessons, loved to play golf, competed in bowling, painting and gardening.

Earlier it became known that a 105-year-old cook from the UK also revealed the secret of longevity. She believes that the most important thing is to live right and eat well.

