Ukraine reveals Gazprom's ploy to certify Nord Stream 2

The Ukrainian GTS Operator considered the Nord Stream 2 certification method illegal

2 “, Swiss Nord Stream 2 AG, is nothing more than a ploy on the part of the Russian” Gazprom “. Olga Belkova, Director of the Operator of the Gas Transportation System (GTS) of Ukraine, on issues of interaction with government bodies and international organizations, Olga Belkova, revealed this position in her column for the Ukrainian newspaper NV.

We are talking about the suspension of the certification process of the gas pipeline by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). To renew it, Nord Stream 2 AG will transfer to the new company all rights to manage Nord Stream 2 in the Federal Republic of Germany and the corresponding assets. According to the parent company, this guarantees the operator's independence.

However, Belkova notes that Nord Stream 2 remains a single gas pipeline, which, according to the law, should be considered as a single whole along the entire length of the route. This means that part of it cannot be managed by a supposedly independent company.

“Requirements for unbundling, third party access and transparent tariffs should be applied along the entire pipeline distance,” she stressed. The opposite opinion does not correspond to the letter and spirit of European law and looks like an exercise in artificial legal formalism on the part of Russia.

Belkova recalled that the day before the suspension of certification, the GTS Operator and Naftogaz Ukrainy were admitted to the process. Despite the fact that they do not have the right to veto, Ukrainian companies can carefully read the documentation and make their position more specific. As a representative of the GTS Operator recalled, it is that neither Nord Stream 2 AG nor the companies it creates can be considered independent.

Earlier, the head of the GTS Operator of Ukraine, Serhiy Makogon, said that there is a good chance that Nord Stream 2 will never be launched to its full capacity.

Meanwhile, Germany believes that, at best, it will be possible to overcome all the legal subtleties on the way of gas pipeline certification by spring, and not necessarily by its beginning. The Kremlin and Nord Stream 2 AG refuse to comment on the timing of the start of operation.

