The Russian Embassy in the United States declared Russophobia in connection with the idea of not recognizing Putin's presidency recognize Vladimir Putin as president if he runs for presidential elections in 2024. This is stated in the ministry's message on Twitter.
“Attempts by individual American parliamentarians to engage in self-publicity at the expense of rabid Russophobia are doomed to failure. This will not lead to anything other than exposing oneself in an absurd form, ”the diplomatic mission said. In addition, the Russian embassy advised the congressmen to “tackle the situation at home” instead of interfering in the affairs of Russia.
Earlier, political scientist Alexandra Filippenko. Party and Republican Joe Whislon want to get the attention of voters. The expert considered the fact that the initiative was proposed by a Democrat and a Republican as an attempt to overcome the split between the parties.
The proposal not to recognize Vladimir Putin as president if he goes to the elections in 2024 and wins was submitted to the House of Representatives by members of the Congress United States on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission. If the proposed document is adopted, it will be advisory in nature.