Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi satisfied the demands of farmers who have been on strike for more than a year there were shares of farmers. The corresponding statement was made by the Prime Minister of the country Narendra Modi, thereby satisfying the demands of the strikers. The success of the protest in India is reported by The Assosiated Press.
Modi apologized for the government’s actions and promised that new laws that changed agricultural rules would be canceled during the winter session of parliament. If Modi fulfills his promises and the legislature repeals the law, then this will mean the complete victory of the strikers in the confrontation with the ruling party. The Prime Minister also asked the protesters to go home. However, Modi's words indicate that the government has not permanently postponed plans to reform agriculture.
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explain our rightness to our fellow farmers. Let's start all over again, “the Prime Minister said.
Changes in the rules of Indian agriculture were approved by the country's parliament in September 2020. The new law immediately sparked protests among farmers in the states of Punjab and Haryana, the country's main agricultural regions. Farmers saw it as favoring large corporations and draining income from small private farms. The government insisted on the need for innovations to modernize the agricultural sector in India.
Earlier, the Kremlin reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin was preparing for a visit to India. The Russian president's trip may take place in early December. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov assured that the Kremlin will name the exact dates later.