The center of Gamaleya doubted the possibility of issuing QR codes by the level of antibodies

Virologist Altstein: issuing QR codes by antibody level will lead to an increase in falsifications F. Gamalei Anatoly Altstein doubted the possibility of issuing QR codes to Russians based on the level of antibodies to coronavirus. His words on Thursday, November 18, are quoted by Gazeta.Ru.

He believes that this may lead to an increase in falsification of certificates. In addition, a large number of commercial organizations are engaged in determining the level of antibodies, which have different methods of conducting such a study.

“Whether there will be standardization is also not entirely clear. Antibodies are also different, there are neutralizing antibodies that no one determines, and general antibodies, “Altstein noted.

The Russian authorities are discussing the possibility of issuing QR codes to citizens who have a sufficient level antibodies to COVID-19, head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said on November 17. Later, the Telegram channel “Earlier than all. Well, almost, ”referring to a source on the site under the Cabinet of Ministers, said that the government has already determined the level of antibodies required to obtain a QR code – 350-500 Bau/ml. There has been no official statement about this yet.

