The attractiveness of the newly opened countries for Russian tourists is assessed

ATOR: the opening of flights to Bangladesh and Mongolia is not of interest to the tourism industry resumed air traffic. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR).

According to Artur Muradyan, General Director of the tour operator Space Travel, the decision to open some directions “raises questions.” In his opinion, the level of medicine and sanitary standards in Bangladesh is too low, and Mongolia is not of interest for the tourist market.

Cuba and Mexico, where they have increased the number of flights, on the contrary, will be in high demand. “Cuba has softened the entry conditions, which has increased its attractiveness. There is a great demand for tours to Mexico, and this factor will allow tour operators to declare regional flight programs and flood the market with supply, ”Muradyan stressed.

In addition, he noted that lifting restrictions on flights to Vietnam is also ambiguous. According to Muradyan, the country's authorities have not yet established clear rules for admitting travelers.

Earlier on November 16, the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus decided to resume flights from December 1 with Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Costa Rica and Mongolia … Russia will also lift restrictions on regular and charter flights to Cuba, Mexico and Qatar.

