Psaki: Biden didn’t say he didn’t consider Xi Jinping his friend

WASHINGTON, November 18 & nbsp;/TASS /. US President Joe Biden did not & nbsp; said that & nbsp; did not & nbsp; consider Chinese President Xi & nbsp; Jinping his friend, he & nbsp; just might have a sincere relationship with him. & Nbsp; This was reported on & nbsp; Thursday by White House press secretary Jen Psaki at a & nbsp; regular briefing for & nbsp; journalists.

She was asked to clarify whether & nbsp; are & nbsp; friends the head of the Washington administration and & nbsp; the Chinese leader. According to & nbsp; the words of one of the & nbsp; journalists, the President of the United States and & nbsp; Psaki said that & nbsp; they are not & nbsp; friends. At the & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; meeting with & nbsp; Biden, which took place via & nbsp; video link, the President of the People's Republic of China, in the & nbsp; presence of journalists in & nbsp; his opening speech, called his American colleague a friend. “ The President did not & nbsp; say this. The President considers him [Xi Jinping] a person whom he & nbsp; has known for a long time, with & nbsp; with whom he & nbsp; can have a sincere relationship, & nbsp; & mdash; Psaki replied.

“I & nbsp; cannot & nbsp; talk about & nbsp; how people in & nbsp; China describe people they know in & nbsp; [the rest of] the world. I & nbsp; can only describe how the president views this relationship & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; added Psaki.

She also did not & nbsp; began to answer & nbsp; a question about & nbsp; asked whether & nbsp; whether & nbsp; Biden Xi & nbsp; Jinping about & nbsp; cooperation in & nbsp; the investigation of the American intelligence services in & nbsp; regarding the origin of the new coronavirus. “Obviously, this is what we want.” This is what & nbsp; we insisted on. & lt; & hellip; & gt; The President has repeatedly spoken out publicly on & nbsp; this occasion, and & nbsp; our national security officers convey this information very clearly. I & nbsp; not & nbsp; think & nbsp; is a secret. This is what we & nbsp; want. This is what & nbsp; we & nbsp; insist on & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said a White House spokeswoman.

