Political scientist named four wedges between Russia and China

Political scientist Markov: the United States is trying to embroil Russia and China in order to destroy them one by one “Four main wedges between Russia and China. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that some Western partners are openly trying to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing, TASS reported.

When speaking of Western partners, Putin was referring to the United States, Markov said. “The United States is trying to solve the most difficult task: at the same time to maintain hostility towards Russia, to maintain hostility towards China, and at the same time to embroil Russia and China in order to destroy them one by one. This is a very difficult task, which seems to all observers to be extremely contradictory and even impossible, “he said.

Among the main so-called wedges, he first of all named information provocations aimed at making Russia and China quarrel. “Negative information is thrown up by both Western media and American politicians, and politicians of other countries controlled by the US, Ukrainian ones often say something and Western special services are trying their best,” the political scientist clarified.

They separately emphasize Arctic problems. said Markov. “The fact is that the Arctic is a country from a small number of countries where the position of Russia and the United States is closer than the position of Russia and China. Russia and the United States, as Arctic states, believe that this is, first of all, their business. And China, as a non-Arctic state, believes that the Arctic is the business of the entire world community, including non-Arctic states, ”the political scientist explained.

“ Another question is Afghanistan, since Russia is connected with Iran, which is afraid of the Taliban, and China is connected with Pakistan, which is the creator of the Taliban, ”Markov said. He also noted that the Americans are trying to politicize as much as possible any issue related to trade deals and competition between Russian and Chinese companies.

The political scientist noted that entire departments are working in the United States to solve the problems of confronting Russia and China.

