Moscow blogger moved to the Urals for love

Moscow blogger Aniel Khomenok moved to the Urals for love

Moscow blogger Daniel Khomenok moved from the capital to the Urals for love. His wife, whom he met on the Internet, is also a blogger. The love story of the couple was told by the portal E1.

At the moment, Khomenka's food blog has about 240 subscribers. However, in 2019, when he met his future wife Evgenia Yachmeneva, he was less popular. The girl won the competition, which the blogger held on his page, under the terms of which Khomenok promised to fulfill the subscriber's wish. Evgenia wanted to drink coffee with him in Yekaterinburg.

After two meetings, the couple decided to live together, but due to conflicts with the blogger's parents, the young people were forced to move to Ryazan. There, the couple launched a business selling shawarma, but it did not burn out. At the same time, it turned out that Evgenia was pregnant, and the couple returned to Moscow again.

After living there, the girl realized that this was not her city. She could not find a job, she did not even get the opportunity to get behind the wheel of a car, which she was used to driving. “In Moscow, in order to live, you have to be like everyone else and enter this wild rhythm, when you get up early, go to bed late and run like a routine all day. If you do not cope with this rhythm, you will fly out, ”explained Khomenok.

As a result, the couple finally moved to the village of Kosulino near Yekaterinburg and are not going to return to the capital. There, young people bought a house and are now actively blogging. Evgenia even signed a contract with a large production center. “For the near future, we have definitely put down roots. Yekaterinburg will not get rid of me, it does not attract me to Moscow at all, ”Khomenok summed up.

