Immunologists predicted mortality from COVID-19 in Russia by the end of 2021

Immunologist Kryuchkov: by the end of the year in Russia, mortality from COVID-19 will exceed a million

By the end of 2021, excess mortality from coronavirus will exceed human. Such a forecast was put forward by an immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov in an interview with URA.RU.

“It is already guaranteed that by the end of December 2021, the excess mortality from COVID-19 in Russia will be more than one million people, if you count from April 2020, “the specialist said, noting that according to the last census, 146 million citizens live in Russia.

In turn, the allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok said that such numbers were not recorded for the whole history of pandemics in Russia, among which were plague, smallpox, Russian flu and typhus.

He also compared coronavirus with tuberculosis, from which more than a million people have died over 100 years of observation in Russia.

“If we talk about mortality from one single disease in one year, then the figure is colossally high,” concluded Bolibok.

Earlier, virologist Anatoly Altstein said that Russia could reach a plateau in the incidence of COVID-19 , however, its level will remain high. He noted that the situation with a high number of cases of COVID-19 will remain until the moment of universal vaccination.

