US to buy pills for COVID-19 for 10 million people

US authorities to purchase Paxlovid coronavirus pills for $ 5 billion from Pfizer

by the American company Pfizer. This was reported by The New York Times.

According to the American edition, the administration of US President Joe Biden will spend more than $ 5 billion on Paxlovid tablets. It is noted that it is planned to purchase this drug to treat ten million patients with coronavirus.

Pfizer said that Paxlovid can be used to prevent coronavirus and treat patients with severe disease. It reduces the risks of hospitalization or death after infection with COVID-19 by 89 percent, the pharmaceutical company noted.

Earlier, Roszdravnadzor gave permission to the pharmaceutical company Pfizer to conduct clinical trials of the effectiveness of the drug against COVID-19 in Russia. The clinical trials will involve 90 Russians over 18 who have had contact with people with COVID-19 symptoms at home. Among them will be residents of the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Smolensk and other cities.

