UFC champion Shevchenko showed the image for the film on Netflix

UFC champion Shevchenko appeared as a character from the movie on Netflix

Kyrgyz girl-fighter of mixed style (MMA) Valentina Shevchenko posted a photo where she appeared in the image from the movie Bruised (“In bruises”) with Halle Berry. The post is available on the athlete's Instagram.

The picture is available on the Netflix platform from October 15th. In the photo, Shevchenko shows red hair. According to her, for the first time in her life she repainted and did it for the sake of filming. The hair color of the heroine was chosen by Berry, who is also the director of the film.

Shevchenko plays the rival of Berry's heroine. She is best known for her performances in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and is the organization's flyweight champion. She defended her title six times.

Shevchenko has 22 victories with three defeats. The sister of the athlete Antonina also performs in the UFC.

