“You are & nbsp; asking where the C-400 is now. Was there an air attack that & nbsp; which we & nbsp; did not & nbsp; used the S-400? Everyone should know that & nbsp; С-400 will be used in & nbsp; the right place and & nbsp; at & nbsp; the right time & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Akar said in the & nbsp; parliament, answering & nbsp; questions from the deputies.
He added that & nbsp; Ankara has repeatedly declared its readiness & nbsp; to explain the unfoundedness of the US claims on the & nbsp; question S-400, which are defense systems and & nbsp; will engaged by Turkey in exactly the same way as the S-300 systems are used, which are in the & nbsp; armament of other NATO countries.
Russia and & nbsp; Turkey signed a contract for the & nbsp; supply of four divisions of the S-400 air defense system for & nbsp; amount 2.5 billion dollars in & nbsp; 2017, deliveries to the Turkish side were carried out in the summer-autumn of 2019. The contract provided for an option for & nbsp; one regimental set.
At the end of August 2021, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that & nbsp; did not & nbsp; doubt & nbsp; purchase the second S-400 regiment from & nbsp; Russia. General Director of Rosoboronexport Alexander Mikheev, in & nbsp; in turn, reported that the & nbsp; contract for the & nbsp; second regiment would be signed in & nbsp; 2021.