Air-purifying skyscraper conceived to build with hemp

Architectural bureau SOM has presented a project of a building with negative carbon emissions Architects from the American bureau SOM have conceived of building an air-purifying skyscraper. The company presented the project of a building with negative carbon dioxide emissions at the UN conference on climate change (COP26), writes Dezeen. absorb and store carbon – wood and lightweight hemp-based concrete. In addition, systems for direct capture of air emissions will be built into the building. The architects believe that such a high-rise will be able to reduce by 400 percent more carbon emissions in 60 years of operation than will be released into the atmosphere during its construction. The carbon captured by the building can be sold for further use or recycling, and growing on the facade algae – turn into biofuel for cars, airplanes or heating apartments. According to the creators of the project, all the technologies for the

Poland decided to build a fence around the clock on the border with Belarus

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland: construction of a fence on the border with Belarus will be carried out in three shifts … This was announced on his Twitter account by the head of the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs Mariusz Kamiński. Related materials 00:01 – 13 November Here – right turn. Who in Europe are called Hitler's heirs and why because of them the society was on the verge of split 00:01 – November 3 .Europe has hosted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to be kicked out? According to the minister, the construction will be carried out by several companies at four sites in three shifts. The construction will begin by December and should be completed in the first half of 2022. Earlier, Kaminsky said that the length of the fence will be 180 kilometers and the height – 5.5 meters. According

Trump's daughter spotted in public in a cheap dress

Ivanka Trump appeared in Florida in a shirt dress of the budget brand Lichi brand. Photos are published by the Daily Mail. The paparazzi captured a 40-year-old businesswoman with her eight-year-old son Joseph in Florida. Trump was published in a cheap beige mini-length shirt dress with pockets and a belt to match. She also wore black sunglasses and small gold earrings with diamonds. It is noted that the cost of the outfit of the German clothing manufacturer Lichi is $ 90 (6520 rubles). The dress is also available in the brand's assortment in mint and black. In September, the figure of Ivanka Trump in a crop top and leggings was criticized online. In the posted pictures, the entrepreneur is captured in near her own home in Miami, in a blue crop-top that exposed her belly, and tight-fitting leggings. “Ivanka got a little fat,” said one of the users.

Tesla shares plummet after Musk's tweet

Tesla shares plummet 5 percent after tweet from company founder Elon Musk The mask on the sale of shares, according to NASDAQ data. During the trading on November 15, the price of securities dropped to $ 980.7. By the time the news was written, the share price had corrected to $ 990. The capitalization of the company fell to $ 990 billion. The day before the fall in shares, Musk commented on the words of Congressman Bernie Sanders calling for fair taxation of the super-rich Americans. “We must demand that the very rich pay their fair share,” the official wrote. The Tesla founder decided to respond to his words: “I keep forgetting that you are still alive. Do you want me to sell more shares, Bernie? Just say one word. ” Musk's statements may lead to a further decline in the value of securities. “Musk's tweet on Sunday, ridiculing a

Disease-related hot spots found in human chromosomes

Scientists at the University of California have created the most complete atlas of chromosome regions that are potentially associated with the inheritance of complex human traits or the development of diseases. These hotspots amplify the activity of genes underlying disorders such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease or autoimmune disorders. The results of the study are published in the journal Cell. In the human body, there are many different types of cells (nerve, muscle, fat, etc.) that share the same set of DNA. The type of cell depends on which genes are active and which are suppressed. It is known that this is controlled by special regulators, for example, promoters and enhancers. They are regions of DNA that are on the same chromosome as the gene they regulate (hence they are called cis-regulatory elements or cCRE). Current catalogs of human regulatory sequences are still incomplete, although scientists speculate that many of these

Russians predicted a drop in prices for holidays in Turkey in the near future

Executive Director of ATOR Lomidze: in December the cost of tours to Turkey will decrease holidays in Turkey soon. She spoke about this in an interview with the radio station “Moscow speaking”. According to her, this will happen in connection with the low tourist season in November-December. “It will be at prices about the same as Egypt, maybe even slightly lower – 20-25 thousand rubles per person per week,” Lomidze clarified. At the same time, Egypt will become the most popular destinations for recreation. , United Arab Emirates, Maldives, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Mexico. The expert also advised to book tours to Egypt as early as possible, since during the holidays you may encounter a shortage of places in quality hotels. Earlier in November, analysts from the accommodation booking service named the most popular cities in Russia for travel December. The first lines of the rating were taken by

Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will be convicted behind closed doors for transferring state secrets to Ukraine

In Kursk, the trial of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Zolotukhinsky District in the case of treason has begun District Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Borzenkov, accused of treason in favor of Ukraine. RIA Novosti was informed about this in court. The trial is held behind closed doors, the case is considered by the judge alone. In early November, it was reported that the case was sent to the court. Borzenkov worked as the head of the Interior Ministry department for the Zolotukhinsky district since April 15, 2020. On June 22 of the same year, the FSB announced his arrest. According to the intelligence services, he handed over to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) secret information constituting a state secret. Borzenkov was removed from office, and then dismissed for negative reasons from the internal affairs bodies. The Lefortovo

The head of Rosstat explained the appearance of “more than 100 percent” of the Russians who rewrote

Rosstat head Malkov: data on over 100% of Russians who have rewritten has yet to be processed Rosstat head Pavel Malkov explained why The All-Russian census of the population of citizens was more than 100 percent. RBC writes about this on Friday, November 15th. According to him, so far it is about “very raw data that has yet to be processed.” He clarified that the overestimated figures could appear for several reasons. First of all, a very frequent occurrence is the duplication of questionnaires. “Someone corresponded with the census taker, then changed his mind and took part through Gosuslugi,” Malkov said. Another common reason: parents rewrite adult children who left them long ago, because they still have them are registered. Now Rosstat will have to process a huge amount of data in a short time, identify and remove inaccurate information. Earlier, the deputy head of Rosstat Pavel Smelov said that

The author of the first video on YouTube criticized the innovation of the company

The author of the first YouTube video Javed Karim criticized the decision to hide the dislikes counter One of the founders of YouTube and the author of the first video posted on the video hosting, Jawed Karim criticized the platform for its decision to hide the dislikes counter. He left his dissatisfaction with the company's innovation in the caption to the first video. “If every YouTuber thinks that removing dislikes is a stupid idea, it probably is. Try again, YouTube, “Karim wrote. In the comments to the video, many users supported the author of the first video on YouTube. “Damn, even Javed agrees that removing dislikes is stupid,” wrote a user with the nickname kevi n. “Thank you so much Javed for giving your opinion to the public. I agree with you too, “said Kalpneet Brar. Karim also left a negative comment on the video in which YouTube announced the

Zelensky's party has a new leader

Olena Shulyak headed the Servant of the People party of Ukrainian President Zelensky , who previously served as the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada. This was reported by the party's press secretary Yulia Paliychuk on the Telegram channel. According to her, the decision to appoint a new leader of the political force was made at a meeting of the faction on Monday, November 15. Shulyak's candidacy was nominated by the former head of Zelensky's party Alexander Kornienko. “Without exaggeration, Elena is a fighter devoted to the cause of our president, his course towards building modern Ukraine. She is an experienced manager and already a politician who managed to achieve the adoption of a number of important reforms and initiatives, “Kornienko said. On November 8, Kornienko decided to resign. As Paliychuk explained then, Kornienko decided to focus more deeply on reforming the work of the Verkhovna