Teenager who raped his half-sister for three years was arrested in Yekaterinburg

A schoolboy was arrested in Yekaterinburg who is suspected of abusing his sister the director who reported to the police. KP.ru writes about this on Monday, November 15th. According to the newspaper, on November 12, a student of the 3rd grade of the gymnasium told the director that her half-brother abused her at the beginning of 2019, when her parents were not was at home. The woman immediately went to the district department for juvenile affairs. When the schoolgirl's father found out about the incident, he wrote a statement about his stepson to law enforcement agencies. At the moment, the investigation has established 19 episodes of violence, the suspect was sent to the isolation ward until January 11. After the arrest, the student confessed to the crimes. Earlier it was reported that in Kamchatka, investigators charged two men with the rape of a 17-year-old disabled girl. At the moment, the

The new Minister of Defense of Ukraine will go to the USA

Pentagon spokesman Kirby: Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov will visit Washington This was announced by Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, reports CNN. He said that this week the head of the Ukrainian military department will visit Washington for a “familiarization” meeting with his American counterpart Lloyd Austin. Kirby noted that during the talks, the ministers will also discuss the regional security situation. Oleksiy Reznikov was appointed Minister of Defense of Ukraine on November 4. Prior to that, he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of the Republic, and was also a member of the Kiev delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbass. His candidacy for the post of Minister of Defense was proposed by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

China issued an ultimatum to tech giants

China will require tech companies to pass cyber security screening prior to IPO resistance to cyber attacks. Such an ultimatum was put forward in connection with tightening control over information collected by tech giants, Bloomberg reports. Before an IPO (initial public offering), companies will have to get approval from the China Cybersecurity Authority. The new rules are due to the expansion of legislation, which now spelled out requirements for data security and privacy on the Internet. The government plans to monitor private companies' compliance with cybersecurity measures. New rules may cause dissatisfaction: technology firms expected to go public on the Hong Kong stock exchange, as US regulators also began to scrutinize new listings. US regulators plan to exclude from the quotation lists of American exchanges the shares of companies whose auditors refuse to open their accounts to supervisory authorities. Such measures could lead to the withdrawal of Chinese securities from

The model considered herself too sexy for men with conventional cars

Model evaluating men by their cars found a groom with a fleet of vehicles with ordinary cars and told about her chosen one. The story of the beauty is published by LADbible. 30-year-old millionaire and TikTok and Instagram star Dania Banks owns a collection of premium cars, which includes the Lamborghini Urus and Rolls Royce Ghost. The American said that she is very fond of fast driving and luxury cars. She is convinced that a car can tell a lot about the owner, and therefore men with ordinary cars have no chance of winning her attention. According to the model, a few months ago she found a suitable groom with her fleet of vehicles. The couple decided that everyone deserves to drive a good car at least occasionally, and began renting out their cars for daily rent. Over time, the hobby grew into a business, and now the lovers, according

The passenger of the plane attacked the stewardess with fists and hit the police

A girl in the United States punched a flight attendant on the head with her fist after the plane landed Airlines and ended up at the police station. Writes about this U.S. News. The incident occurred on Saturday, November 13, during the landing of a plane en route from Dallas to New York. 32-year-old passenger Arielle Jean Jackson (Arielle Jean Jackson), who was sitting in the back of the liner, had a fight with the flight attendant for an unknown reason. After landing, when the girl was leaving the aircraft, she entered into a verbal skirmish with another flight attendant. As a result, the American used physical violence – it is noted that Jackson hit the flight attendant on the head with his fist. As a result of the incident, the girl was detained and arrested by the police on charges of assaulting an airline employee with aggravated circumstances. The

New Year's Eve charity event “Wish tree” has begun in Russia

In 2021, there was an opportunity to take part in the “Wish tree” online and offline The all-Russian New Year's Eve campaign “Wish tree” began on November 15. During the first 14 hours, more than 2 thousand wishes were received. “The applications have been accepted since midnight today, and as of 14:00 today, more than two thousand wishes have been received. This is an absolute record, this has never happened in previous years, “said Timur Safin, head of the Dream with Me project. Safin noted that this year it is possible to take part in the action and fulfill someone's wish not only online, but also offline. To participate in the online format, you need to go to the promotion website and select any wish you like. “In addition, if for some reason you cannot fulfill it yourself, our team will gladly fulfill it on your behalf … You can

In Russia, they simulated the environment around DNA

Scientists from MIPT and Skolkovo have created an exact model of an aqueous solution around DNA and sodium, which replicate the environment around the DNA. The research findings, published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, will help better account for the behavior of nucleic acids inside the cell for drug development. Briefly about the scientific work is reported in a press release on the website Godnauki.rf. Many artificial solutions with DNA contain a different ratio of sodium and potassium, while the concentration of potassium in the nucleus of a living cell significantly exceeds the concentration of sodium. This difference can significantly affect the accuracy of experiments, the results of which cannot be transferred to living systems. Potassium and sodium are needed to stabilize the structure of DNA strands, which would otherwise separate due to the fact that they carry a large negative charge. In addition, ions are essential

The Russians were told the number of days off in 2022

In 2022, residents of Russia will rest for 118 days In the coming 2022, residents of Russia will rest for 118 days. This is stated in the production calendar, which was approved by the Ministry of Labor, Telegram-channel URA.RU writes. So, the New Year holidays will last until January 9. It is revealed that the total number of weekends in January will be 15 days. In February, including the 23rd, there will be 9 days off. At the same time, in March the schedule of working days will shift, and the holidays will be held from 6 to 9 days. Long weekends in May will fall on 1-3 and 7-10 numbers. In addition, from 11 to 13 June and from 4 to 6 November, there will also be a long weekend. Previously head of the department of labor law and social security law of the National Research University Higher School

Karpin spoke about the possible departure from the national team after the defeat from Croatia

The head coach of the Russian national team Valery Karpin admitted leaving his post after the match with Croatia The head coach of the Russian national team Valery Karpin admitted that he was not sure that will be at the helm of the team in the play-off matches for the 2022 World Cup. The specialist took part in the “Comment.Show” broadcast on YouTube. 52-year-old Karpin admitted that he admits a possible resignation from the post of head coach. He noted that he needs a week to decide on his future. The coach did not rule out that he will no longer lead the team in the play-offs. Earlier on the Komment.Show air, Karpin appreciated the performance of his team in the match with Croatia. According to the specialist, his players did not try to play football. He separately noted that he has no complaints about the players' attitude. The Russian