The winners of the “Paw of Friendship” competition will receive funds to help homeless animals

A competition aimed at helping stray animals starts in Kazan on November 15 funds to help homeless animals. This is reported by “Tatar Inform” with reference to the head of the Kazan Department of Education Irek Rizvanov. According to the material, the competition starts on November 15, 2021 and will last until March 15, 2022. In this case, applications for participation are accepted until December 31. The winners of the competition in various categories will win prizes. So, for example, four educational institutions will be able to receive grants in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. “Today we are launching a city grant competition” Paw of Friendship “to select the best projects aimed at helping homeless animals,” Rizvanov noted. added that the events are held to educate the younger generation. In his opinion, the competition will help stray cats and dogs find a new home in Kazan families. In October

A new ski cluster will appear in Sheregesh

Azimut Hotels will start construction of a ski resort in Sheregesh in 2022 The Azimut hotel chain will start construction of a new ski cluster in 2022 in Sheregesh. This is stated in a press release, we will put at the disposal of “”. It is known that the company's employees presented the master plan of the resort and the mountain arena at the business Forum, which took place as part of the opening of the ski season in Sheregesh the 13th of November. The event, in particular, was attended by the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergey Tsivilev, the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Zarina Doguzova, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Azimut Hotels Alexander Klyachin and others. The construction of the resort will begin in the summer of 2022 and will end in October 2024 year. As part of the first stage of work

A new skating rink will appear in Chelyabinsk

In Chelyabinsk, an ice rink will open in the Valentina Tereshkova Park This is reported by the local newspaper “Good News”. According to the material, the paths and platforms will be flooded with ice: the townspeople will have the opportunity to ride around the fountain, as well as between trees and flower beds. It is noted that the area of ​​the ice rink is 3100 square meters, and the total length of all tracks is 800 meters. It is noted that the first visitors will be able to get to the ice rink on November 19. On this day, a festive concert and an entertainment program with life-size puppets will be held there. Paid and free sessions will be organized at the skating rink. Ticket sales for sessions have not yet started: according to the park administration, if by the appointed date the air temperature in the city becomes above

LPR leader criticized Ukraine after Putin's decree on humanitarian aid

The head of the LPR Pasechnik: Russia extended a helping hand to the Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics the people's republics in difficult times. The head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik wrote about this on Twitter, commenting on the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the provision of humanitarian aid to Donbass. In his address, the LPR leader also criticized Kiev's policy towards the republics. ” While “fellow citizens” are shelling our territory, the brotherly people of Russia are again lending a helping hand and providing humanitarian support, “Pasechnik noted. On November 15, Putin signed a decree on providing humanitarian support to the population of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine. According to the document, in the context of the ongoing economic blockade and the worsening epidemiological situation due to COVID-19, humanitarian aid will be delivered to the residents of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. In

In Ukraine, FSB accused of disrupting the operation to arrest “Wagnerites”

The Supreme Court of the Verkhovna Rada has published an interim report on the case of the “Wagnerites” Wagnerians “. The corresponding document was published on the website of the Ukrainian parliament. According to the report, the Ukrainian side was preparing an operation to detain members of Wagner's private military company (PMC) from 2018 to 2020. It was planned that the PMC fighters would be able to lure into the territory of a third country and detain there legally. It is noted that one of the plans also provided for the landing of a plane with the Wagnerites in Ukraine under a far-fetched pretext. Materials on the topic00:01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat” Ukraine00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why doesn't that help him hold on to power? The report indicates that subsequently Kiev decided to

Karpin refused to consider football the game of the national team in the match against Croatia

Head coach of the Russian national team Valery Karpin: we did not play football in the match with Croatia Head coach of the Russian national football team Valery Karpin the team's performance in the 2022 World Cup final round match. The specialist took part in the “Comment.Show” broadcast on YouTube. The 52-year-old specialist admitted that he overestimated the abilities of his team. In his opinion, Russian footballers did not play football in the match against Croatia. “It would be better if we lost 0: 3, but at the same time tried to play football,” said Karpin. He explained that he thinks the most terrible thing is that his players did not seek to move the ball forward and look for options in the attack. Karpin stressed that he has no complaints about the attitude and dedication of the players – according to him, problems with the game are associated with

Former Trump advisor surrenders to FBI after accusations of contempt of Congress

Former Trump adviser arrested for refusing to testify about the storming of the Capitol Former adviser to ex-US President Donald Trump Steve Bannon surrendered to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) after being charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the storming of the Capitol. This is reported by CNN. Related materials0: 01 – November 10 Houston, we have canceled. As a fight for justice in Western society turned into a war on freedom of speech 00:01 – November 13 This is the right turn. – for them, the society was on the verge of split Bannon arrived at the FBI field office on Monday morning, where he was taken into custody. The official's actions were formalized on two counts of contempt for Congress. The ex-adviser was greeted by a crowd of journalists outside the building, and he boldly turned to the cameras, saying: “We are overthrowing

The British got rid of Banksy's job

“BBC”: in the city of Lowestoft from the building of the former store was cut out Banksy's work by the British street artist Banksy, which was depicted on the wall of a former electrical store. The details of the incident are reported by the BBC. The composition in black and white, traditional for the artist, was an image of a child in a Panama hat holding a crowbar. On Sunday, November 14, workers cut out a section of the wall where the graffiti was located and loaded it onto a truck. The empty section of the building was covered with wood panels. According to the BBC, when the image appeared on the wall, the building was on sale for £ 300,000. The cost increased when Banksy confirmed his authorship – the owner asked for £ 500,000 for the object. The city was concerned about the reasons for the removal of

The consequences of the increase in prices for vodka in Russia are named

An increase in the MRC for strong alcohol in Russia does not cause an actual rise in retail prices alcohol price Russia | An increase in the minimum retail price (MRP) does not cause an actual increase in retail prices, but is an indicator for a business. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “The established MRCs do not actually affect the level of retail prices, this is an indicative indicator so that inspectors can see that the products are legal,” said Pavel Shapkin, chairman of the National Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights. He added that if a product is sold cheaper, it means that it is illegal. Director of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets (CIFRRA) Vadim Drobiz added that the minimum price reflects the socio-economic situation and the rise in value raw materials. Earlier, the Ministry of Finance came up with an initiative