Zakharova responded to the threats of the Ukrainian military to destroy migrants

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova on the threat of a brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to kill migrants: they learned how to destroy them

have already learned to destroy people. This is how the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova responded to Kiev's threats in her Telegram channel.

“We learned how to destroy. The hand is full. That's right, Ukraine is not Russia, tse Europe “, – wrote Zakharova.

Earlier in Ukraine, the military promised to destroy migrants in the event of a breakthrough of the border. They said that the 61st Separate Infantry Jaeger Brigade continues to serve on the border with Belarus.

Ukrainian border guards have strengthened the protection of the border with Belarus on November 10. Then the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Yevgeny Yenin announced this. He stressed that this is necessary to curb the flow of illegal migrants, if necessary.

From the beginning of 2021, people began to flock to the border of Belarus with Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The crisis escalated sharply on November 8, after several thousand people approached the Polish border from the Belarusian side.

