The State Duma told about special benefits for single pensioners

State Duma deputy Stenyakina: single pensioners can count on an increase in their pension

said lonely retirees can count on a raise to their pension, reduced fares on public transport, medicines and dental services. She spoke about this in an interview with URA.RU.

According to her, for persons of retirement age who live alone, social services at home and favorable conditions for housing and communal services are provided.

” There are benefits for drug provision, dental prosthetics, and public transport. Here the level of income does not matter, “the deputy noted.

Stenyakina also added that if a person's pension does not reach the subsistence level, then the additional payment is automatically connected to it.

Earlier in In October, the State Duma proposed to exempt pensioners from the transport tax on cars that they own. Deputy Ivan Sukharev spoke with such initiative – he sent a letter to the head of the Ministry of Labor Anton Kotyakov. We are talking about cars, the power of which does not exceed 150 horsepower.

