Residents of Kazan tore apart stumps in a birch grove in search of money from “Eagle and Reshka”

Kazan residents in search of $ 100 from the hosts of “Eagle and Reshka” tore apart stumps in a birch grove

Kazan residents in search of money from the hosts of the program Eagle and Reshka “turned the stumps in a birch grove located in Derbyshki in the Soviet district of the capital of Tatarstan. This was reported on Sunday, November 14, by the Kazanskie Vedomosti Telegram channel.

The next episode of the show, filmed in Kazan, went on the air the day before, on November 13. Timur Rodriguez hid a bottle with a $ 100 bill in one of the forest stumps.

Many went out to “hunt” on Saturday night, having watched the release of “Eagle and Reshka” in Vladivostok's time zone in advance. The rest of those wishing to try their luck joined in the afternoon. The thirst of local residents to find money was so strong that all the stumps in the search radius were uprooted, Kazanskie vedomosti specifies.

It was previously reported that Regina would be the host of the program broadcast on Friday Todorenko and Timur Rodriguez. In a new episode, they showed viewers how to spend a weekend in the capital of Tatarstan with a budget of $ 100 (7081 rubles). The shooting took place in Kazan in October 2021.

