Elizabeth II will miss the most important event of the year

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain pulled her back and canceled participation in the event

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain canceled memory of the fallen), as she pulled her back. This is reported by Sky News, citing a statement from Buckingham Palace.

The report says that the 95-year-old monarch “this morning with great regret” decided that she would not be able to attend the event scheduled for Sunday, 14 November. The palace added that the Queen is very upset about the need to skip the ceremony, because, according to the source of the publication, she considers this event one of the most important of the year.

At the end of October, Elizabeth II, after the recommendation of doctors, take a break and take a break from public events canceled its participation in the UN conference on climate change in Glasgow. Prior to that, she unexpectedly canceled her visit to Northern Ireland and went to the hospital for an examination. For the first time in many years, she spent the night under medical supervision and did not come to Windsor until the next day.

