Borodin was seriously injured after falling on the “Ice Age”

TV presenter Ksenia Borodina got a crack in the rib after falling on the “Ice Age” Glacial period”. She told about this in the story of her Instagram account.

“A crack in the rib. But nothing, I'll skate anyway. I can't leave this, I want to move on, ”Ksenia wrote in her story.

The episode was aired on November 13. Borodina and her partner, the 2014 Olympic champion in figure skating, Dmitry Soloviev, performed to the song “Administrator's Couplets” performed by Andrei Mironov from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle”. The TV presenter fell at the very end of the number and then burst into tears. For their performance, the couple received the lowest marks among all the participants and got into the elimination category.

Earlier, the Russian figure skater Alexei Yagudin explained why the viewers of Channel One do not like Ksenia Borodina. According to him, the older generation, which is the target audience of the project, considers the participants with a scandalous reputation to be the “bottom”.

