Named to help lower blood pressure drink

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Black Tea May Help Fight Hypertension Black tea can help reduce blood pressure. This is reported in an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Researchers have studied the effects of this drink on men and women with high blood pressure. The participants of the experiment drank three cups of black tea and another drink containing caffeine, but without flavonoids (natural dyes – approx. “” ).

the first day of the experiment, after three and six months.

As a result, it turned out that black tea, in comparison with the second drink, had a greater effect on the upper and lower pressure. The effect of the drink appeared on the first day of the experiment.

“The results of the study show that a certain component of black tea, in addition to caffeine, can influence the rate of change in blood pressure at night,” wrote the Australian scientists.

Earlier, an international team of researchers discovered that the content of the protein follistatin in the blood can predict whether a person will develop type 2 diabetes 19 years before the onset of the disease. Specialists have tracked the health of more than 5.3 thousand patients in Sweden and Finland for four to 19 years.

