The Russians were named the right time to buy a home

President of RAO Kulakov: the end of autumn is the right time to buy a home called the Russians the right time to buy a home. He told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that prices on the secondary housing market have stabilized, so at the end of November, plans can be implemented.

According to him, the demand for secondary housing in October fell by 15 percent across the country, and in some regions – by 30-35 percent.

“Investing money in housing is more comfortable when a buyer's market has formed … So the end of autumn is the right time to implement such plans. There is no point in hoping that prices in the secondary market will decline, “the specialist noted.

The expert added that the level of bargaining is increasing, by the end of the year it could reach 3-3.5 percent against today's 2 , 5-2.8 percent. In cities with a population of over one million, the average price per square meter was 92,700 rubles, which is an absolute record, said Kulakov. The potential for further growth, he said, is practically exhausted. At the same time, the main buyers of housing are families who take loans for this, expecting an increase in rates in the near future.

Previously, the head of the service “CIAN. Analytics ”Aleksey Popov said that the Russian population is increasingly realizing the advantages of living outside the city, in particular, the benefits of owning a home, a better environmental situation, proximity to nature, and relative safety. The expert believes that in the future, interest in individual housing will remain at a high level, but there will be no significant increase in demand.

