Guy publishes 60s payroll and sparks controversy online

Reddit user posted 1962 payroll and sparked controversy

Reddit user Underdog_37 posted 1962 payroll a year that earned 3.5 thousand dollars in a year. The photo sparked controversy in the comments to the post: some complained about how much more expensive life has become, while others said that the rise in the cost of goods occurred simultaneously with the rise in salaries.

“House, car, probably a vacation every year and full tuition fees for his children – all on an annual income that barely covers today's rent in just two months, ”one user commented on the post. “Yes, it was exactly like that,” the author of the publication replied. He added that his grandfather was a factory worker, and his grandmother was a housewife.

Many users also remembered that in the 60s, the average cost of houses in the United States was about 12 thousand dollars, and cars – about 2. 5 thousand dollars. “He could buy a car and still keep a third of his income,” added one of the commenters.

Some users disagreed with the fact that life has become more expensive, and decided to calculate how much the author's grandfather would have made in 2021 if you factor in inflation. According to one of the users, today the annual income of a man would be 32 thousand dollars. “Even adjusted for inflation, this is barely enough for one person,” another commentator objected and added that the hero of the story would not have been able to afford part of what he had at the time.

Previously, Reddit users have shared ways to help them avoid wasting money. They listed their secrets in the comments under the post of a user who asked to reveal unobvious ways to accumulate.

