The man went to the toilet on vacation and returned home without part of his genitals

A poisonous cobra bit a tourist in the genitals and left a part of his genitals missing home without part of the genitals due to the bite of a poisonous cobra. The Daily Mail writes about this.

A 47-year-old tourist from the Netherlands, whose name has not been disclosed, went to rest on a safari tour in South Africa. While traveling through one of the reserves, a man went to the toilet and did not notice a poisonous snake hiding in the bowl of the toilet bowl – a cobra bit the Dutchman in the genitals.

After the incident, the tourist felt a strong burning sensation, his bite site began to swell and turn purple , which, as noted, was a sign of the development of necrosis. The man had to wait three hours before an emergency helicopter was able to take him to a nearby hospital. The doctors provided the traveler with emergency assistance, however, a significant part of the tissues could not be restored and they were removed.

Nine days later, the tourist returned to his homeland, where the Dutch doctors performed another operation – they removed most of the dead tissue of the genitals and used groin as a skin graft. It was reported that a year later, the man fully recovered the functions and sensitivity of the organ.

Earlier in August, a poisonous spider attacked a teenage tourist while on vacation at a popular resort in Spain. The traveler asked for medical help at the institution only the next day – as a result, the bite turned into amputation of the fingers for the young man.

