Russia wanted to introduce QR codes in transport and public places

The authorities are preparing bills on mandatory QR codes for Russians in stores and transport

air transport, as well as for visiting public places (for example, non-grocery stores without essential goods) – the authorities are preparing two relevant bills. This was told by a source of RBC, who participated in the preparation of the documents. The information was also confirmed by a source in the Cabinet.

This is an emergency measure given the difficult epidemiological situation, which will operate until June 2022. Decisions on QR codes and details of their use will be made by the regions

Source RBC

According to him, within the framework of the first draft law prepared by the government, regional authorities “will have to ensure that people can visit mass events, cultural organizations, catering and retail trade either by a QR code on vaccination, or by a document stating that a person has had covid , or on a medical withdrawal from vaccination with a negative PCR test. ”

After February 1, QR codes with a negative PCR test will be issued only to Russians with a medical withdrawal

According to the bill, medical laboratories will be required to transmit the results of PCR tests to the portal of state services within 24 hours.

Restrictions will not apply only to pharmacies and grocery stores

Without QR codes, Russians will only be able to get to pharmacies and grocery stores. as well as stores with essential goods. In addition, the requirement of documented immunity will not apply to public transport.

At the same time, the source of the publication noted that the decision to introduce QR codes and specific places where they will be distributed, the regions will take independently.

QR codes will be introduced on intercity and international flights

The second bill of the government proposes to amend Air Code and Railway Transport Charter. Russians will be asked to present QR codes when buying tickets for a flight – such a requirement will come into force on the date set by the Cabinet.

A digital transport pass can be obtained for Russians with a negative PCR test, while the government can set a date after which a QR code will be issued only if there is data on vaccination against COVID-19 or a medical withdrawal from vaccination.

< p> Foreigners vaccinated with vaccines not registered in Russia will be able to use transport if they have a negative PCR test.

The headquarters confirmed information about the draft laws being prepared

“The operational headquarters together with the relevant departments are working on these bills. We will additionally inform the media about their introduction to the State Duma, “the headquarters said.

The idea of ​​introducing QR codes was supported by the Federation Council and the State Duma

This is an absolutely justified measure to protect people who are not vaccinated and, accordingly, are included into the risk group. Protecting not only health, but also their lives

Member of the Federation Council Vladimir Krugly

According to Krugly, such a measure is not connected with the violation of the rights of Russians, but with the protection of their health. A member of the Federation Council believes that QR codes will not be introduced by federal laws, but does not exclude that the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova may issue appropriate recommendations.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection also supported the idea of ​​introducing digital passes Fedot Tumusov.

Tatarstan has already introduced QR codes in public transport

Residents over 18 years of age can get into public transport in Tatarstan only if they have a QR code or a certificate of medical evacuation from vaccination.

< p>The regional authorities announced that they would also ask Rosaviatsia and Russian Railways to introduce QR codes on interregional transportation.

The incidence of COVID-19 in Russia is growing40 759 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day as of November 11

For the third day in a row in Russia, more than 1200 deaths of patients with COVID-19 are recorded. The total number of infections in the country since the beginning of the pandemic is 8,952,472, 251,691 people have died.

To combat the spread of the coronavirus, non-working days were introduced in Russia from October 30 to November 7. This proposal was made by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, supported by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and President Vladimir Putin.

After November 7, Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and other regions announced the end of non-working days, at six they were extended.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova reported to Putin on the results of the non-working week. According to her, the rate of increase in the incidence of coronavirus decreased by 2.1 percent. At the same time, it is necessary to continue monitoring and implementing the necessary measures, she stressed.

