In the capital of Haiti, thugs seized a bus with 50 passengers

In the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, unknown persons seized a bus with 50 passengers

In the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, unidentified persons hijacked a bus with 50 passengers. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

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As a ransom, the bandits demanded to pay them 500 thousand dollars. Earlier, the largest Haitian gang threatened to overthrow Prime Minister Ariel Henri if he does not voluntarily resign. The gang leader also demanded the removal of five percent of the people in power in Haiti.

On October 17, it became known that 17 Christian missionaries from Canada and the United States had been kidnapped in Haiti. They were taken hostage by the 400 Mawozo gang as they boarded a bus near a shelter in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.

Subsequently, the leader of the gang Lamo Sanju said that the hostages would be killed if the invaders were not present ransom paid in the amount of one million dollars. Commenting on the incident, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken assured that the White House is in constant contact with the FBI and the Haitian government.

