Date of construction of a gas pipeline from Russia to China through Mongolia named

Construction of the 960-kilometer Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline will begin in 2024

Construction of the 960-kilometer Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline from Russia via Mongolia to China will start in 2024. This term was named by Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia Sainbuyangiin Amarsaykhan, quoted by Interfax.

The route of the gas pipeline with a length of 960.5 kilometers has now been determined. It is assumed that design will begin by the end of 2021, and preparatory work will be completed within two years.

“To date, the feasibility study is 70 percent. During a telephone conversation between the prime ministers of the two countries on November 9, information was exchanged on the joint implementation of mutually beneficial, large-scale projects. In this regard, the ministers have been given appropriate instructions, “Amarsaykhan commented.

The Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline will pass through Mongolia and will become an extension of the Russian Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline, the export capacity of which may exceed the capacity of the Power Siberia “by more than 1.3 times.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2020 approved the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline to western China via Mongolia. In May, Gazprom started design and survey work. The gas pipeline's capacity may reach 50 billion cubic meters per year. Currently, the first section of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline is already in operation, the construction of which lasted five years and was completed in 2019.

