Judge denies Trump protection of his administration's records of the storming of the Capitol

A US court ruled that Donald Trump cannot hide records of an attack on Congress

Former US President Donald Trump is block access to the records of their administration from January 6, 2021, when the storming of the Capitol took place. This ruling was made by District Judge of the District of Columbia Tanya Chutkan, reports Axios.

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Thus, she denied the lawyers of the former leader of the American state the right to protect the confidential information of his cabinet. This means that the US House of Representatives Committee investigating the “attack” on Congress will be able to obtain hundreds of pages of documents from the White House drawn up that day.

In an attempt to hide this information, Trump's lawyers referred to the special privilege of the presidential power not to publish the recordings of telephone and confidential conversations. By law, this allows leaders to “speak frankly,” especially about critical issues. However, based on the decision of US President Joe Biden, parliamentarians demanded disclosure, which prompted Trump's protest.

“This position that he [Trump] can reject the will of the executive branch appears to be based on that his executive branch has existed forever. But presidents are not kings, and the plaintiff is not the president, ”said Chutkan in the courtroom. The Biden administration also said that the right to confidentiality is not a lifetime prerogative.

The storming of the US Capitol took place on January 6 during a rally of supporters of the incumbent head of state, who do not recognize the results of the November vote, which resulted in the election of Biden as president … The rallies led to clashes with the police. Five people died, dozens were detained

