A case was opened against the former chairman of the Chukotka Duma for a prize of nine million

The ex-chairman of the Chukotka District Duma Maslov was prosecuted for abuse of power for nine million rubles. This was announced by State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein in his Telegram channel.

A case was opened against the ex-deputy under part 2 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Excessive powers”). According to the investigation, Maslov annually wrote out illegal bonuses for himself.

Violations were revealed after the prosecutor's check.

As Khinshtein noted, investigators continue to check other episodes of Maslov's illegal activities, in particular, obtaining illegal additional payments from the Pension Fund.

In June, the former mayor of the city of Shchuchye, Kurgan region, Vladimir Tamakhin, was sentenced to four years' suspended imprisonment. From 2016 to 2018, he illegally wrote out bonuses for himself, having appropriated 700 thousand rubles.

