The course for women entrepreneurs of the Moscow region will begin on November 15

Business accelerator LADY 007 for women entrepreneurs of the Moscow Region will start on November 15

The free business accelerator LADY 007 for existing women entrepreneurs of the Moscow Region will start on November 15. This was reported by the press service of the regional ministry of investments, industry and science.

“At the moment, more than 370 thousand SMEs work in the Moscow region and more than 270 thousand entrepreneurs operate in the status of self-employed. Among them there are a large number of women who successfully start a business and develop it. The LADY 007 program will help our women entrepreneurs find new business management tools, study the legal framework in the digital economy, and also tell you how to prepare for a public presentation, ”said Ekaterina Zinovieva, Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region.

The business accelerator is held by the All-Russian public organization “Women of Business” with the support of the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region and the autonomous non-profit organization “Investment Development Agency of the Moscow Region”. The speakers of the program will be business experts HeadHunter, Alpha Litsa, How to brain. Coaching Consulting “, Skillbox and other companies.

