Mother and son simultaneously hit two jackpots of three million rubles each

In the English city of Bootle, mother and son simultaneously won the lottery for 30 thousand pounds

the son simultaneously hit two jackpots of 30 thousand pounds (three million rubles) each. This is reported by the Daily Mirror.

60-year-old Kathleen Miller admitted that she did not want to play the lottery, but she was persuaded by her 35-year-old son Paul. After the victory, the woman was so inspired by the game that she decided to attract friends and relatives to her.

Miller plans to spend part of the money won on a trip to his sister in Abu Dhabi. According to the British woman, she is glad that now she will not have to worry about money for some time. Paul decided to divide his winnings into two parts: he will spend one on gifts for his son, and the second he will postpone.

The cost of participation in the lottery is 10 pounds sterling (967 rubles). At least 33 percent of ticket sales go to charitable foundations; since 2005, more than 750 million pounds (72.5 billion rubles) have been raised for nine thousand organizations.

Earlier it was reported that a resident of the American city of Hamtramck, state Michigan, bought a winning lottery ticket and became a millionaire the day after he dreamed that he hit the jackpot and got rich. The American preferred to receive a lump sum payment, which after taxes amounted to 634 thousand dollars (45.2 million rubles).

