In Kiev, a COVID-19 vaccination station was deployed right in the church

A vaccination station against COVID-19 was opened in the Greek Catholic Church in Kiev from COVID-19. It will be possible to get vaccinated against coronavirus infection right in the church from 10 to 17 hours daily. This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The newly opened vaccination station can be vaccinated with the Chinese CoronaVac, the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca and the German-American Pfizer. You do not need to pre-register to receive the drug.

It is planned that the “church” vaccination against coronavirus will soon become available in other Greek Catholic parishes in Ukraine and abroad.

Opening the first center in the cathedral, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Svyatoslav, during the divine liturgy, said that Ukraine is experiencing the peak of a pandemic. He urged parishioners not to be afraid of vaccinations, wash their hands, wear masks and observe social distance.

During November 8, 18,988 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Ukraine, almost 3,000 more people were hospitalized with suspected COVID- 19. Mortality has set a new record – 833 people per day.

On November 3, a rally against forced vaccination was held in Kiev. The protesters blocked Hrushevskogo Street and demanded to cancel the rules according to which teachers and officials must be vaccinated with at least one vaccine.

