Russia's international reserves set a historic record

Russia's international reserves rose to $ 623.2 billion a historical record, according to data on the website of the Central Bank (Central Bank).

Over the week, international reserves grew by $ 1.6 billion. The growth occurred mainly as a result of transactions for the purchase of foreign currency within the framework of the budgetary rule, the Central Bank said. Since the beginning of the year, international reserves, amounting to $ 595.8 billion, have grown by 7.5 percent.

Russia's international (gold and foreign exchange) reserves include highly liquid foreign assets held by the Central Bank and the government. The reserves consist of monetary gold, special drawing rights (SDRs), a reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and foreign currency funds (other reserve assets).

On October 13, the Central Bank announced that Russia's external debt was October 1 amounted to $ 489.2 billion (plus 4.7 percent from the beginning of the year). At the same time, the total public debt of all countries of the world in mid-October reached 88 trillion dollars, the IMF calculated. Under these circumstances, countries need to adapt their fiscal policies to the unique circumstances of each country, which include the pace of vaccinations and the success of economic recovery.

