Poland assessed the situation on the border with a crowd of illegal immigrants

In Poland, they said that the Belarusian security forces are sending several thousand migrants to the forest

Several thousand illegal migrants are sent to the Polish-Belarusian border. go in an organized crowd. The situation at the border is assessed as extremely tense, said an officer of the Polish Border Guard in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, the Belarusian security forces are sending a convoy of illegal immigrants not to the checkpoint, but to the forest, which indicates their intention to cross the border illegal way. At the same time, the German Foreign Ministry reported that there was evidence that the Belarusian authorities were sending refugees to the Polish border.

Earlier, the Polish Border Guard published a video showing crowds of migrants walking to the Polish-Belarusian border. The footage shows people of all ages with bags and bales. Eyewitnesses estimate the size of the crowd at about 500 people, while border guards say there are about a thousand of them.

According to the State Border Guard Service of Belarus, people intend to seek asylum in Poland. The Polish Ministry of Defense has increased the level of combat readiness of the troops. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki convened an anti-crisis headquarters.

Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminsky said that the authorities are closely watching the Kuznica border checkpoint for several days, and the security forces are ready for any scenario. At the same time, Lithuania is pulling troops to the Belarusian border.

