Kremlin reacted to subsidy scandal for “needy officials”

Peskov: housing subsidies are designed only for civil servants with low wages housing on subsidies. According to a Kremlin spokesman, only civil servants with low salaries have the right to payments for the purchase of real estate. RIA Novosti writes about this.

Peskov confirmed the presence of one-time payments and assessed the financial situation of civil servants. “Firstly, the officials do not have serious financial resources. Indeed, there are officials who have such funds, but such officials, they simply cannot use such support programs, “the spokesman said.

This is how the Kremlin reacted to the scandalous material of the” Important Stories “publication ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of media performing the functions of a foreign agent ) on subsidies for 650 “needy” Russian officials who, at the time of purchasing apartments with state money, already owned several expensive real estate objects.

Among them is the current Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov – before receiving payments, his family owned three apartments. The governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, had the same number of facilities. A similar scheme was used by the Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia Odes Baysultanov (nine residential buildings), Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President Dmitry Verbovoy (two apartments and two dachas), Deputy Minister of Culture Alla Manilova (an apartment with an area of ​​155.8 square meters and half of a house with an area of ​​238 square meters) and others.

In June, Russians were warned of the risks of buying housing from officials. According to experts, the apartment can be withdrawn if the previous owner bought it with undeclared income. Analysts advised to pay attention to the position of the owner and the duration of the property ownership when buying.

