Muscovites predicted a sharp change in weather

Vilfand: the weather in Moscow and the Moscow region will begin to change dramatically on the night of November 9

the metropolitan area will begin to change dramatically already the coming night – on Tuesday, November 9th. His words are quoted by “Radiotochka NSN” in its Telegram channel.

According to the meteorologist, on November 9 and 10 in Moscow and the Moscow region the temperature will drop to minus 5-7 degrees. He also predicted cloudy weather and up to 3 degrees Celsius in the afternoon for residents on Thursday, November 11.

“Subsequently, until the end of the week, according to the forecast of Roshydromet, the night temperature background will be minus 3 to plus 2 degrees Celsius, during the day from zero to plus 5 degrees Celsius “, – said Wilfand.

He also noted that it is not yet possible to talk about the date of formation of stable snow cover.

Previously, the leading employee of the weather center” Phobos “Evgeny Tishkovets said that meteorological winter will come to the Moscow region with a delay of five days – November 15.

