Economist spoke about the timing of certification of “Nord Stream-2”

Economist Korenev predicted a quick denouement of the story with Nord Stream 2

The EU is 54 percent, the allies need to quickly make a decision on certification of Nord Stream 2, since their safety margin of the energy system is at its breaking point, economist Alexei Korenev said. In a conversation with, he added that, most likely, the denouement of this story will come in the coming days.

Gazprom has increased gas transit to the EU through Ukraine by 57 percent, the head of Operator Ukraine's gas transportation system “Serhiy Makogon.

The denouement of history

Korenev believes that it is currently impossible to guess whether the increase in supplies will cover the needs of Europe – it will depend on what the winter season will be like.

“In order to survive the cold winter, it is necessary that the gas storage facilities are 90 percent full. Now the EU has only 70, they lack very large volumes, so if you don't start moving, Europe could freeze. Of course, Russia has already said that it is ready to increase gas supplies, but we would like to do this through Nord Stream 2, so what agreements we will eventually arrive at is a mystery, “the economist emphasized.

< p>He recalled that Germany promised to certify the gas pipeline by January 8, but now we are talking about the fact that Nord Stream 2 will be launched no earlier than May, which, according to Korenev, suggests that the Europeans have relaxed, having come to the conclusion that that Russia will help them regardless of the situation.

“If the bureaucratic machine continues to poke a spoke in our wheels, Europe will come to the conclusion that gas will have to buy at exorbitant prices from the Americans, who are much more profitable to sell it to Asia. So, if I were in the EU, I would be reinsured and hurry up with certification. It is very risky to keep to the brink of the possible, it is always necessary to have reserves, in this case, the safety margins of the energy system, which is already at its limit. I think in the coming days we will see the denouement of this story, “Korenev concluded.

On October 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed Gazprom to increase the volumes in European gas storage facilities after replenishing Russian reserves. The head of the company, Alexey Miller, said that gas injection into Russian underground storage facilities will be completed by November 8.

