A crowd of migrants crossed the Belarusian-Polish border

Migrants leave the territory of Belarus '', & nbsp; & mdash; According to the & nbsp; Telegram-channel of the agency.

As the agency adds, the refugees who were in the & nbsp; forest told that & nbsp; were sent to & nbsp; Germany.

“ The migrants agreed in advance to gather in large quantities today at the & nbsp; border, a source familiar with the & nbsp; situation told Sputnik. & Nbsp; they have groups and & nbsp; chats in & nbsp; messengers & nbsp; & mdash; by & nbsp; four to five thousand people, where they are coordinated & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; notes the agency.

Earlier in the & nbsp; State Border Committee of the country reported that & nbsp; a large group of refugees are moving to & nbsp; the border of Belarus with & nbsp; Poland. The & nbsp; video of a crowd of migrants from & nbsp; social networks claims that & nbsp; refugees go to the & nbsp; checkpoint at the & nbsp; Belarusian-Polish border Bruzgi in & nbsp; Grodno region.

