Looks like the new year’s capital of Russia (photo) There had already begun the festive shows and concerts. Upstairs Every year in Russia choose the “Christmas capital” — the city in which scope and local flavor will celebrate the winter holidays. Last year Christmas was the capital of Khanty-Mansiysk, this baton was passed to the Thule. The city is already decorated with garlands, the streets riding Santa Claus, and the holiday program for the month ahead — until 7 January. View this post in Instagram Publication from Channel “Tula” (@1tulatv.ru) 9 Dec 2018 12:10 PST During the download an error has occurred. Master classes, competitions, walking tours, performances and concerts are waiting for the gunners almost every day. A new year’s eve on the main square of the scheduled six-hour show, which will bring together local artists and Russian stars. The full program can be found on the official website