Russia took the first place among CIS countries according to the openness of criminal statistics


RIA Novosti

In the rating of openness of criminal statistics from 115 countries of Russia for the year rose by 16 positions and ranked 25, being on the first place among former USSR countries; these data are reflected in the annual survey of WWWF. On Friday, July 28, “the” has informed the chief of legal statistics and information technology of the Prosecutor General of Russia Oleg Insarov.

World Wide Web Foundation (WWWF), an international nonprofit organization for development issues and accessibility, annually publishes the Open Data Barometer study. It assesses how world governments own statistics reveal and what it provides social and economic benefits.

The ranking of openness of criminal statistics, were Canada, Israel, Korea, Mexico and the UK. While Portugal was on the 34th place, Ukraine — on the 44 place, Kazakhstan — 59, China — 71, Belarus — 93.

Insarov noted that a large contribution to the openness of criminal statistics of Russia has made “Public portal of legal statistics” ( established by the Prosecutor General of Russia, as well as the website of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, where publicly available information on the activities of Federal courts of General jurisdiction.

21 November 2016 it became known that Russia has fulfilled half of the recommendations of the Group of States against corruption (GRECO), which is one of the organs of the Council of Europe. The GRECO report States that “satisfactorily completed or taken satisfactory measures for 11 of the 21 recommendations”.

