Zyuganov opposed the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions


Kristina Kormilitsyna / “Kommersant”

Anti-Russian sanctions cannot be undone, since they positively affect the development of the country. This opinion was expressed by Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov on air of TV channel “Russia 24”, reports “Interfax” on Wednesday, July 26.

“By the way, some say that they [sanctions] were canceled. I don’t want them canceled. (…) At least, start to think, think and do, and now all sit in the gadgets pointing fingers. Soon, instead of fingers, the tentacles will grow”, — the Communist told.

July 25, the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress adopted the bill providing introduction of new sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. Now the document must be received in the Senate and then signed by the President. If it is making American companies and individuals will not be allowed to lend to Russian banks for longer than 14 days. Currently, this period is 90 days. In addition, the document is limited to the term of financing of Russian oil and gas companies.

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky considers that the actions of the American side undermined the possibility of restoring relations between the two countries. His assessment agrees the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov. In turn, the Federation Council called on to give Washington a painful response to the new sanctions.

The US initiative caused discontent in the European Union.

