Saakashvili was not one of citizenship. Is this possible?

Saakashvili was not one of citizenship. Is this possible?

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko issued a decree on deprivation of citizenship of Mikhail Saakashvili, who after the change of power in Ukraine for some time was Governor of the Odessa region. Earlier, Saakashvili deprived of Georgian citizenship.

Russian service Bi-bi-si understood, can the state take away the rights of the last passport and how to live without citizenship.

Citizenship of Georgia, where former President Saakashvili initiated several criminal cases, Saakashvili lost at the end of December 2015. The authorities explained this decision by the appearance of the former President of the citizenship of Ukraine.

Ukrainian TSN with reference to the state migration service of Ukraine reported that a Ukrainian passport Saakashvili lost due to the fact that upon its receipt he indicated in the questionnaire about the data.

In particular, the former President allegedly said not under investigation in any of the States. While at the time he was arrested in absentia in Georgia.

The decree on deprivation of citizenship was not published. But Poroshenko really signed it, confirmed in a press-service of administration of the President of the Ukrainian service Bi-bi-si.

“According to the law on personal data protection, this act shall not be published because it contains confidential information, particularly personal data” — said the representative Bi-bi-si.

Georgia during the Saakashvili’s stay in Ukraine was addressed to Kiev with the request to extradite him, but the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s office to do it refused, as Kiev cannot extradite their nationals.

Friend Saakashvili in conversation with the Russian service Bi-bi-si said that nationalities in addition to Georgian and Ukrainian former President of Georgia was not. However, his wife Sandra Roelofs is a citizen of the Netherlands.

Can a state leave the person without citizenship?

In the migration service of Ukraine officially did not give a clear explanation as to why Saakashvili lost his passport. The Agency noted that such powers of the President gives the law on citizenship of Ukraine.

“Such grounds, in particular applies to the voluntary receipt by the citizen of Ukraine of citizenship of another state, if at the time of such receipt he reached the age of majority, or obtaining of citizenship of Ukraine on the basis of article 9 of this law as a result of deception, the deliberate submission of false information or counterfeit documents”, — stated in the message.

Saakashvili’s party “movement new forces,” noted that the Constitution of Ukraine and European Convention on nationality explicitly prohibit only deprive citizenship.

In article 25 of the Constitution does say that a citizen “cannot be deprived of citizenship and right to change nationality” and “can’t be exiled from Ukraine or surrendered to another state.”

While article 4 of the basic law says that “the grounds for acquisition and termination of Ukrainian citizenship are determined by law.”

The European Convention on nationality, which was referred to the supporters of Saakashvili, was adopted in 1997. Ukraine has ratified and signed the document. He was joined by Russia.

As stated in the Convention, “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality” and States “should be avoided without citizenship”.

The text also indicates that States may allow cancellation of citizenship only if the applicant in this case would not be stateless at all.

The Convention, however, lists several situations in which a country may deprive a person of a passport. Among them is “conduct seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the state” and “acquisition of the nationality of the state party by means of fraudulent conduct, false information or concealment of any pertinent facts relating to the applicant.”

Another document which regulates the issues of citizenship, is the UN Convention on the reduction of statelessness adopted on 30 August 1961. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law on accession to the Convention in January 2013.

