Depression from the weather. Frowning treacherously than summer

Depression from the weather. Frowning treacherously than summer

This year, the traditional autumn depression began to take the Russians two months earlier — at the height of summer. Why and how to be, if this happened to you?

Our expert — associate Professor of the Department of psychiatry and psychosomatics of IPO First MSMU n. a. I. M. Sechenov, senior researcher at Scientific center of mental health Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of medical Sciences Igor Dorozhenok.

Day or night?

There are many types of depression. And not all of them tied to some sort of time of year. Depression can be a reaction to the event in your personal life or the result of some bodily disease. And with the weather usually intensifies the specific type of mild depression. We are talking about seasonal mood disorder associated with the metabolism of hormone-like substance melatonin. He produced a small endocrine gland in the brain and in the body performs an important role as a regulator.

First of all, melatonin makes our circadian rhythms, that is, helps us to adapt to changing seasonal conditions. But when sunlight becomes scarce, there are constant rains, that happens this summer, the exchange of melatonin is disturbed. Man lives in artificial light and often “confuses day with night.” As a consequence he shifted to the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. In the evening it is difficult to fall asleep and hard to Wake up in the morning. By day he is vitality feels tired and bruised, not thinking.

Sadness, longing eats me…

