The ROC refused to evaluate “Matilda”

The Church should not try to enter into the cultural space. This view was expressed by the press Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the priest of Alexander Volkov in an interview with RT. According to him, the Russian Orthodox Church cannot give a clear assessment of the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel. “We must all have patience, when this movie will be released to an objective evaluation. To gain the determination to accept the assessment that will follow, and be aware that the Church inhomogeneous body,” — said Volkov. He added that “the Church cannot from your sacred, Holy space of the temple to evaluate cultural phenomena”. “It is important that evaluation of this film, as well as any other works of culture did not come from the Church, from the pulpit. Need categorically to avoid the priest, standing at the pulpit, in a

The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Kabul has increased to 24

Archive photo The death toll in the blast in the Western part of the capital of Afghanistan has grown to 24 people. This local TV channel Tolo News reported the authorities. We mentioned earlier the 12 dead. — TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) 24 July 2017, 04:38 The explosion occurred at 06:45 local time near a private University and home of the Deputy head of the government of Afghanistan Mohammad Mechanica (Mohammad Mohaqiq) in the area, inhabited predominantly Shia. The number of wounded also increased to 42 people. It was reported that the bomb was detonated by the suicide bomber, however, while this information is not confirmed. May 31, a powerful bomb exploded in Kabul, near the presidential Palace and Embassy buildings. According to preliminary data, the bomb was planted in a tanker for transportation of water. Killing 150 people, more than 400 were injured.

Putin told about the secrets that want to reveal

Photo: The President of Russia Vladimir Putin spoke about the mysteries of the universe, which he wished to solve. According to the President, he is interested in the mystery of the creation of the Universe. “We will tell the story of the universe and the creation of our Universe and the Solar system is very interesting. I would really like to solve it, I would really like to understand what underlies the formation of the Solar system is the big Bang or some other phenomena”, – said Putin. The President also admitted that he is interested in how nascent people’s movement in Novgorod, as there was a consolidation of peoples and ethnic groups in the vast territory occupied by our country, as some ethnic groups have disappeared and others came, how they interact among themselves.

Cat mayor in Alaska, died at the age of 20 years

Cat mayor in Alaska, died at the age of 20 years MOSCOW, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti. A cat named Stubbs who have served in the post of honorary mayor of Talkeetna, in the U.S. state of Alaska nearly all my life, died in her sleep at the age of 20 years, according to the TV station KTVA. Stubbs, Talkeetna”s honorary cat mayor, has died at the age of 20 — KTVA 11 News (@ktva) on July 23, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. As the newspaper writes New York Daily News, the age of a few months Stubbs in 1998 was elected by the residents of Talkeetna (population about 900) the unofficial mayor of the town. The cat was asleep in the night of Friday and never woke up, said the TV channel. “Stubbs has lived for 20 years and three months. He was a

In Sri Lanka, the military rescued two elephants, which swept into the open sea

In Sri Lanka, the military rescued two elephants, which swept into the open sea MOSCOW, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti. Navy of Sri Lanka held a twelve-hour operation to rescue two young elephants, which swept into the open sea, Daily Mail reports with reference to military. Animals noticed within a kilometer from the shore. Presumably, the elephants were crossing the lagoon Cockily when they took to the open sea. During the operation to rescue the divers tied the animals with rope, and then the elephants pulled ashore and were released because their health is not threatened. During the download an error has occurred. This is the second such incident in recent times. Earlier on July 12, the military in Sri Lanka saved the elephant, which also took into the open sea.

In the ROC think that the “Matilda” a caricature of the image of the king

In the ROC think that the “Matilda” a caricature of the image of the king MOSCOW, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the Russian Orthodox Church do not think the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” conscious distortion of the image of the Saint, but called natural negative reaction of the society. Such opinion expressed press Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the priest of Alexander Volkov in an interview with RT. The teacher didn’t chamber the movie to some selected audience, not the movie. He made a movie for a wide release And he was, of course, you need to understand that the perception of his work can be very ambiguous… the reaction is, is something sufficiently natural. The film is obviously controversial and does not go unnoticed, including those with a negative point of view.Priest Alexander Walkovers Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all

Media reported about the large debts of the Moscow “Dynamo” before the players

Moscow football club “Dynamo” has serious financial debt to the players at the end of last season. About it reports on Monday, July 24, “CHempionata”. According to the newspaper, the players have not been paid bonuses for victories in some matches of the Football national League (FNL), where the team played in the season-2016/17. In addition, the club remains debt to the players for the common bonus for an exit in the Premier League. The manual does not mention the players, even the tentative dates of repayment. The blue and white took first place in the national football League and this season earned the right to play in the Premier League. In the championship of the elite division team of Yuriy Kalitvintsev has started with a draw with “Spartak” (2:2) and defeat in the game against the “Ural” (0:1). After two rounds of “Dynamo” occupies the 10th place in the

The DPRK, for unknown reasons, canceled the second in the history of the country beer festival

North Korean authorities have canceled the second in the history of the country beer festival. This was reported by travel Agency Koryo Tours, based in China and arranging tours to the DPRK. As explained by the representatives of the organization, we are talking about the festival “daedong”, which was scheduled for August. The event could provide travelers the opportunity not only to try North Korean beer, but also to communicate with local residents, said Koryo Tours. The reasons for the failure of the “Telangana” is unknown. Koryo Tours staff do not expect that Pyongyang will explain this decision. They suggest that this is due to the prolonged drought in North Korea, which became very strong over the last 16 years. In August 2016, the North Korean authorities organized the first in the history of the country beer festival. It took place at the floating restaurant in Pyongyang. A festival of

The ROC refused to evaluate “Matilda”

The Church should not try to enter into the cultural space. This view was expressed by the press Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the priest of Alexander Volkov in an interview with RT. According to him, the Russian Orthodox Church cannot give a clear assessment of the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel. “We must all have patience, when this movie will be released to an objective evaluation. To gain the determination to accept the assessment that will follow, and be aware that the Church inhomogeneous body,” — said Volkov. He added that “the Church cannot from your sacred, Holy space of the temple to evaluate cultural phenomena”. “It is important that evaluation of this film, as well as any other works of culture did not come from the Church, from the pulpit. Need categorically to avoid the priest, standing at the pulpit, in a

The number of victims of explosion in Kabul has exceeded 20 people

The number of victims of explosion in Kabul has exceeded 20 people Because of the undermining of the suicide bomber injured more than 40 people. Moscow. July 24. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Afghan capital on Monday, an explosion occurred, media with links to various official sources reported about 24 dead, injured more than 40 people. #Afghanistan At least 24 killed, 45 injured in a car bomb attack in Western part of Afghan capital #Kabul today. — Battle Analytics (@BattleAnalytics) 24 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Earlier, the representative of the interior Ministry of Afghanistan Najib Danish manufacturer has informed journalists that the explosion killed 12 people, another 10 were injured. All the dead and injured were civilians. #Afghanistan ?? Au moins 24 morts & 42 blessés dans 1’attentat survenu dans la partie ouest de Kaboul#Kabul — Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) 24 Jul 2017 During the