Putin told why he refused the umbrella on 22 June


RIA Novosti

Vladimir Putin said that he “simply did not occur to” take the umbrella when it started raining during the ceremony of laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown soldier. The words of the President of Russia according to the portal LIFE.

“First, the rain is such a property — it can start suddenly. Secondly, I do not believe that those who stood with umbrellas, showed some lack of respect, violated any Protocol. I even thought to do that, you can stand under an umbrella when it began the laying of a wreath. I didn’t take any action — I just never have occurred. Not sugar, not melt,” Putin said.

His statement Putin made at a meeting with children from the Sochi educational center “Sirius”. 22 June 2017 on the Day of memory and grief, Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier during a heavy rainstorm. The head of state took part in the ceremony without an umbrella.

