In Moscow ended the procession “For free Internet”

In Moscow ended the procession “For free Internet”

MOSCOW, 23 Jul — RIA Novosti. Procession “For free Internet” has finished in Moscow, the protesters leave the final point of the route in the area of the Academician Sakharov prospect, the correspondent of RIA Novosti.

Earlier the mayoralty of Moscow has agreed with PARNAS holding Sunday from 14.00 to 16.00 the action “March for free Internet”, the declared quantity of participants to 10 thousand.

Police earlier reported that the number of participants was about 800.

The protesters marched along the Boulevard ring with placards and flags, shouting slogans in support of free Internet.

For the entire route lined staff Regardie and police who watched the procession. Behind the pillar, the tail went several utility vehicles: ambulance, several police cars and a paddy wagon.

