Russia calls for restraint in resolving the Korean Peninsula


RIA Novosti

Moscow continues to advocate denuklearizatsii the Korean Peninsula and urges all sides to show restraint, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.

“The Russian position has not changed: we continue to favor denuklearizatsii the Korean Peninsula and the continuation of political and diplomatic efforts from all sides and urge all sides to show restraint and to avoid any sudden movements that may provoke further tensions,” – said the representative of the Kremlin.

On the question of whether the theme of the DPRK’s nuclear programme to be discussed at the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with permanent members of the security Council, Peskov said that “the theme of the Korean nuclear issue and the missile issue has been discussed and continues to be discussed within the framework of the exchange of views in the course of this operational meeting”.

“When we say “topical international and regional problems,” including, we are referring to this issue”, – explained the content of the message of the press service of the Kremlin Peskov.

