Peskov commented on the “hard reasoning” Kadyrov

Photo: Dmitry Azarov / Kommersant Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called on to evaluate the statements of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced in an interview with the American channel HBO, not out of context. His words Monday, July 17, the correspondent “”. “There really was very hard arguments,” admitted Sands. At the same time, a Kremlin spokesman stressed that Kadyrov’s statements should be considered as a whole, in the entire interview. “And if they are viewed in context, nothing out of the ordinary said there was not” — said Peskov.

Died one of the founders of Afisha and SUP Andrew Paulson

Died one of the founders of Afisha and SUP Andrew Paulson On 59-m to year of life died an American entrepreneur Andrew Paulson. He was one of the founders of the publishing house Afisha and SUP. On the death of Mr. Paulson said the former chief editor of “Big city” Alexey Kazakov. According to him, the cause of death was cancer. Died entrepreneur Andrew Paulson — Alexey Zelensky (@alexeygreen36) 18 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Andrew Paulson was born in 1958 in the United States. In 1981, he graduated from Yale University with a bachelor’s degree in modern French literature. In 1993, Mr. Paulson came to Russia and began working in the publishing business in Moscow. In 1998, Andrew Paulson became one of the founders and President of the publishing house “Afisha”. In January 2006 the publishing house was sold to the holding of

The Disneyland effect: the invasion of tourists in old European cities

The Disneyland effect: the invasion of tourists in old European cities In the world there are places where the influx of fans traveling begins to look like a tsunami. Mass tourism generally has a positive effect on the economy, however, a number of European cities loses a permanent population under the onslaught of guests. First of all we are talking about ancient cities on the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas, stone street, which in summer are crowded by visitors. Budget airlines and cruise ships brought in millions of tourists every year. Such is the fate of the Croatian town of Dubrovnik is a perfectly preserved historic city like postcards: with houses made of bright stone against the blue of the sea. Inside the Old city live about one and a half thousand people — the keepers of the cultural treasures left by the Romans, Ostrogoths, Venetians and Habsburgs. The Effect Disneyland

In new York publicly destroyed more than a ton of ivory

In new York publicly destroyed more than a ton of ivory NEW YORK, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. More than one ton of illegally mined raw ivory products to be destroyed in new York’s Central Park August 3, according to the society for the conservation of wildlife (WCS). Hundreds of tusks, figurines, jewelry, chess pieces and interior objects made of ivory, confiscated by the Department on preservation of the environment of new York (NYDEC) will be crushed industrial rock crusher in the centre of the city. According to management, the value of more than 650 units of confiscated from individuals and companies only in new York city exceeds $ 6 million. To raise attention to the problem of the extermination of elephants, WCS holds a lottery, the winners of which will participate in the action and personally send the samples on the conveyor. The first such event was held in

MAX came to Putin on the delivery of bought ice cream to Ministers

During a visit to the MAKS air show in Zhukovsky 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the government delegation ice cream. On Tuesday, July 18, according to RIA Novosti. Visited the exhibition and air show, the head of state accompanied by a large delegation of government members and industrial managers came to the tent with ice cream. “What treat?” — Putin asked the saleswoman. Knowing the range, the President has stopped the choice on the Vologda ice cream in the Cup. Video posted in his Twitter correspondent of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Dmitry Smirnov. — Dmitry Smirnov (@dimsmirnov175) 18 July 2017, 11:39 The President paid th bill, and while the seller was counting the change, decided to treat his accompanying officials. “The surrender give them” — he nodded in their direction. “We have a lot of”, — said the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov. He, in turn, handed the clerk a five-thousandth

Sparrows assessed the prospects of the enterprises of the aviation industry in the suburbs

Andrei Vorobyov The enterprises of aerospace industry situated in the Moscow region, there are prospects for further development, said the Governor Andrei Vorobyov. His words are on the website of the regional government on Tuesday, July 18. “For us it is important and honorable that such a great event [MAX–2017] we’re in Moscow, in Zhukovsky. Every two years there are going to the most advanced and the best companies from the Moscow region participating this year, 52 enterprises. (…) The leaders are companies from the cities of Korolyov, Mytishchi, Zhukovskiy, Odintsovo, Khimki,” he said. The head of the region noted that in these enterprises employs a large number of suburban residents. “They are large taxpayers, and an important task of regional authorities to support them and to live in partnership with these enterprises,” — said Vorobyov. He also noted the importance of the fact that the show takes place in

Medvedev considered Nikitin is ready to become the Governor of the Novgorod region

Andrey Nikitin Acting Governor of the Novgorod region Andrei Nikitin is willing to work on a post of the head of the region. This assessment of the official given by the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, RIA Novosti reported on Tuesday, July 18. “Andrey, in my opinion, in any case, I don’t know in your opinion, because everyone has their own opinion, demonstrated that he is willing to fulfil duties of the Governor of your beautiful land,” Medvedev said at a meeting with young people in Velikiy Novgorod. On 13 February the President of Russia Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Novgorod region Sergey Mitin and appointed acting head of the region the head of the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI) Andrey Nikitin. 37-summer Andrey Nikitin was the head of ASI since its inception in 2011. The tasks of the Agency include the promotion of

The white house announced that trump and Putin held a second meeting on the sidelines of the G20

The white house announced that trump and Putin held a second meeting on the sidelines of the G20 A White house spokesman, quoted by Reuters, did not disclose the topic of discussion or the time of the second meeting of the leaders of the two countries. WASHINGTON, July 19. /TASS/. The presidents of the United States and Russia Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin held a second meeting on the sidelines of the summit of “twenty” in Hamburg after the official two-hour talks. This was reported on Tuesday Agency Reuters referring to the representative of the White house. The Agency has not disclosed the details of the summit, but previously the founder and Director of the international research and consulting firm Eurasia Group, Ian Bremmer told that it was in the evening and lasted about an hour. He was the first to report it. “They had a meeting, which was attended

Veselnitskaya expressed readiness to testify in the U.S. Senate

Veselnitskaya expressed readiness to testify in the U.S. Senate Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya announced that it is ready to serve in the us Senate testimony about the meeting with the US President’s son Donald trump Jr. in that case she will be provided security. She also stated that the financier William Browder was collected and transferred to the state Department information about it. She also told RT that the British financier William Browder was collecting information about her and her family, and then passed it to the US state Department. “Mr. Browder, his team collected information about my family, about my family situation, I am married or not married, I have children or not. They found a picture of my house, sent it to Kyle Parker is a famous person in the house of representatives, who for many years operated solely on Mr. Browder, and not the congressmen and Congress.

The head of the German foreign Ministry offered to lift sanctions against Russia “step by step”

The head of the German foreign Ministry offered to lift sanctions against Russia “step by step” Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, proposed to abandon the expectations of full implementation of the Minsk agreements for the lifting of sanctions with Russia. In his opinion, to lift the sanctions gradually. Expect full implementation of the Minsk agreements for the lifting of sanctions with Russia is wrong, it would be appropriate to change the policy of the EU in this sphere, said the foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel in an interview to the magazine Focus. “The decisions of the European Union require 100% implementation of the Minsk agreements. After that you can start for 100% lifting of sanctions against Russia. I believe that this condition is not feasible. It would be right to lift sanctions small portions, step by step, to show that shifts in the direction of world benefit,” said